Friday 17 March 2017

Informing people via social media

Creating such page has helped people to be informed regarding any activities that took place in gewog. Sergithang gewog is my previous gewog and Gosarling gewog is my new work station.

submitted by 
Tashi Dema

Thursday 2 March 2017

Handing Taking of the Farm Road

The Road beneficiaries of the farm road in presence of Gewog officials took over the construction of a permanent structure, farm road from Gewog office to Namchalla Chewog today, 2nd March, 2017.
The work was executed by a commercial contractor namely M/s Nachung Construction, Pemagatshel with a bid amount of about twenty two lakhs seventy six thousand and later on an additional work was also given for the amount of little more than nine lakhs.
The Only observation reflected was of the drainage to be cleared at two points, above karma Tamang’s house and below the school.
It was funded by the SDP (Small Development Project) of the third phase.
The work began from 14th May, 2016 and completed on 13th November, 2016.
The Road will also benefit two other chewogs of the Gewog apart of the Beneficiaries of the Namchalla Chewog.

By Lobzang Choda

GAO, Tashiding Gewog, Dagana