Thursday 30 January 2014

A Quick Service Delivery

The meeting was held on 24th January at Gewog Office, (Gup’s Chamber) with the Gewog staffs and normally in a week every Friday used to be a weekly meeting with the GT (Gewog Tshogdu) members. And on this day the Gewog Staffs (employees and the elected officials including Gup, Mangmi and the Tshogpas were briefed of their TORs (Term of Reference) as stated in the LG Rules & Regulations of 2012. The Civil servants and also the elected officials were also once again reminded for their need to inform the Gewog while availing short leave and in writing to the Gewog if it’s for long period of leave. The need to attend the office regularly was also reminded by the Gewog Administrative officer and the Gup. The NFE instructors were also informed of their need to submit their monthly progress report and also while availing leave or going out of station. It was after the Dzongkhag Administration officially handed over the Civil servants under its jurisdiction or to be in line with the LG Act and LG Rules & Regulation-2012 including the NFE instructors last year. The need to provide the quick services as always by the Gewog Administration was also reminded by the Gewog Administrative Officer.

It was also as a follow up from the Gewog Administration in line to the Letter No.DLG-01/2013/6327 of dated 5th November,2013 from the Secretary, MOHCA, Thimphu to implement the LG Act and LG Rules & Regulations,2009.

 By Lobzang Choda
Rangthangling Gewog, Tsirang

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