Sobeni Sherpani, a 103 years old woman of Gangzur village under Tshendagang Gewog,
Dagana dzongkhag was born in 1910 during the reign of first king Ugyen
she has lived more than a century, she is strong and healthy. She carries 10 kg
of rice from nearby shops, collects firewood, cooks food and carries daily
household chores. She even attends all the local festivals and seldom attends
marriage ceremony in the village.
has given her land and properties to her children. Currently she lives in a
small hut she built on her own expenses in her son's land She sustains her daily
livelihood from the income she has saved during her young age. She saved money from the income
generated by rearing cattle during young age. She was very strong and
hardworking woman in the village.
She says that at present she has almost finished her saved
income. Although she has three sons and one daughter but she says they don’t look after her. She
earns around Nu 100-150 per month by
selling local alcohol. The Gewog administration made a detailed
profile of her status and has submitted petition to the His Majesty’s for
Kidu. The Gewog administration gave her
eco stove which requires less firewood.
This is just a brief
story and couldn’t write well due to time constraints. If any one is interested about this story we
will provide details.
Group members
phuntsho Gyeltshen GAO, Tsendagang Gewog, Dagana
Dorji Gyeltshen, Maedtsho, Luntse
Sangay Lhamo, Mendrelgang Tsirang
Tashi Dorji, Langthel, Trongsa
Details and a picture please!! :)