Saturday, 28 September 2013

Rural life about a Gewog Administrative Officer (GAO)

As part of decentralization and government transition, GAO’s are being appointed and posted in the gewog. Upholding our expectation that we might be treated at par to other civil servant but it has been mere a dream. Initially, GAOs have to undergo and confront many challenges and hardships with local leaders and overall scenario.

Unlike in the dzongkhag, in gewog there are no senior/ experts staffs to deliver public services. The first challenge to GAOs is to mitigate those shortcomings in delivering public service and seeking support. Gewog and GAOs has been challenged with lack of furniture, computers and other required facilities despite having required performing our mandates.

Gradually, with development of ToRs for GAOs and LG Act, the working atmosphere seems getting better but has been still challenged with many issues. Thus, assigning GAOs with significant responsibilities and duties with less facility that too affects the service delivery.

It is very interesting that other gewog staffs are provided with government staff quarters. GAO who is the supervisor of gewog staffs do struggle in finding shelter. It’s hard for GAOs to find a livable shelter where people do struggle themselves with insufficient house. Ironically, it is interesting to know that GAOs are the only civil servant who offers rural community an opportunity to enhance rural cash income.

GAOs/Gewogs have appealed government for safety quarters to be constructed. Contrary, GAOs quarter is always been compromised with an availability of budget.

If provided with the quarter and other facilities, the GAOs post would be the most challenging and attractive post in years to come.

Tshering Phuntsho             Tashi Tshering        Karma Gyeltshen     Lhakpa Dorji 

GAO, Maenbi                   GAO, Maenbi         GAO, Tashiding     GAO, Drujaygang Lhuentse                               Lhuentse                            Dagana                   Dagana

Pema Lhazom
GAO, SamphelingChhukha

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