Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Observing the Descending day of Lord Buddha

In every corners of Bhutan, people must be observing this auspicious day for the peace and harmony. In sergithang gewog, tsirang, people do observe solely coordinated by the gewog staffs, lam and the public as a whole.
The gewog staff and the public as a whole are very excited to observe this auspicious day on 26th oct 2013. Before observing the auspicious day, the works are divided among the chiwogs as follows:

1. construction of temporary kitchen
2. construction of temporary toilet
3. construction of guest room
4. ushers and catering

to be contd.....

contributed by
1. Mangal Singh, Umling, Gelephu
2. Tashi Dema, Sergithang, Tsirang