Friday, 6 December 2013

A Consultative Meeting on Gewog Development Grant(GDG).

On 2nd November, 2013 at Gewog meeting hall, a consultative meeting with the people of all the Chewogs of the Gewog was held for the usage of the Gewog Development Grant (GDG).

It began with the well come speech by the Gewog Administrative officer and followed by the speech of the Chairman of the GT (Gewog Tshogdu).
Later the public were also briefed with the Guidelines of the GDG to the gatherings with both the languages (Dzongkha and Lhotshamkha) for their proper understanding.

After the Briefing of the Guidelines the people of the concerned chewogs were to raise the issues of the programs or the activities they wish to have at the Chewogs/villages keeping in note of the Guidelines of the Grant.
From the Sunkosh Chewog, the activity was the need of a guest house, the KitchenMaintenence for the present ORC and also the Farm Road.
For the Nimazor Chewog, there was a need for the Meeting hall, the farm roads, irrigation channels, staff quarters of ECR, bridge maintenance and the school fencing.
The irrigation channels were in the planned activity and for the Bridge maintenance also it was in the planned activity.
For the school quarter it seemed it was a contradiction as per the ECR Guidelines if it’s to  construct a Quarter as it was clearly stated that it should reduce the Burden on the government by running as Multi grade classrooms and there seemed no reliability for the coming years.
 About the farm Road, the Farm Road guidelines were also clearly read out to the Public by the Gewog Senior Agriculture Extension Supervisor.

The Neymedsa Chewog asked the need of a toilet for the meeting hall, Training of Youth for the Computer, Kitchen for the Lhakhang,
In response the Gup stated that the Toilet is in the planned activity and for the Kitchen it is to be further discussed in the GT meeting for the final Endorsement.

From the Dhajay people, there was a need of addition money for the school farm road of Nu.12 lakhs and also the procurement of the pots for the Gewog annual Rimdro.
The Procurement of the Pots was not feasible as per the guidelines of the GDG and also was not in urgency or a dire need activity or program.
The addition money was also to be discussed in the GT meeting for the Final Endorsement.

The Rangthangling Chewog people asked for the Kitchen and toilet for the present ORC and the ORC to be done a partition. The Irrigation channels and BHU were also on the list.
The BHU was also not feasible as it has to be from the Dzongkhag planned Activity and the irrigation channels were included in the planned activity.
However the Maintenance of the ORC was to be discussed in the GT meeting for the Final Endorsement which is slated on 6th December, 2013.

So the following are the activities/Programs to be discussed on 6/12/2013 for the Endorsement.
  1. Meeting hall having Multi purposes at Nimazor.
  2. Maintenance of ORC/Meeting hall at Rangthangling.
  3. Maintenence at Sunkosh ORC.
  4. Additional budget of 12 lakhs for the CPS farm Road at Dhajay.
  5. Kitchen at Gewog Lhakhang.
Members present at Meeting (GT members & Gewog Staffs)
GT Chairman                        Dhajay Tshogpa         R/ling Tshogpa        Sunkosh Tshogpa
Neymedsa Tshogpa        Nimazor Tshogpa  
GAO                                          AES                                           Gaydrung           Ranger

By Lobzang Choda
Rangthangling Gewog, Tsirang

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