The main objective for conducting the workshop was to:
- To enhance the capacity of GAOs to become more effective in sharing public information for democratic good governance, thus strengthening transparency at gewog level.
- Learn the basis of how to handle the press, writing news releases, identifying stories and how to update the gewog webpage.
- Understand how to judge the reliability of sources and spot bias and self interest stories.
The workshop was graced by Dasho Neten Zangmo, Chair Person of the ACC. Dasho highlighted the importance of social accountability and the need of sharing information. Mr. Kinzang from DLG also highlighted the plans for transparency in LG and the role of GAOs as a focal person and role in dealing with media and sharing information.
In the three day workshop the GAOs were briefed on importance of social media and its pros and cons with regard to sharing information, openness and transparency, fairness and bias while sharing the news. The participants were also engaged in group activities in identifying the challenges and solutions for disseminating information to society. The participants were also introduced to the Draft Right to Information Bill and some of the code of ethics of Journalist. The participants were also taught how to write press releases and letter to the editors.
From the three day workshop, the participants learned:
- the benefits of an open society and the GOAs role in strengthening transparency in the Gewogs.
- How to improve information sharing at Gewog Level for Good Governance
- The fundamentals of writing news releases and basic principles to keep in mind while writing story and reporting on any issues
- The role of media in promoting the transparency and accountability
- Understand how to judge the credibility of information.
The workshop was very effective and informative for GAO's through which we can share the challenges and activities that are taking place at grass root level, where its difficult for media to cover.