Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Construction of Caretaker's residence at Shiva Mandir accelerates

Construction of Caretaker's residence at shiva mandir (Jomotshangkha throm), under Langchenphu gewog expedite for its completion. The work was incorporated in the 11th Five Year Plan (FYP), to conserve the only shiva mandir in the country and to promote tourism from India and within Bhutan.

For 67 year old Bakti Ram Rizal said, "its dream coming true", he always wanted to see new changes taking place in the mandir. He have managed all the affairs of the mandir all by himself most probably rely on small contribution from the people of Langchenphu and donation from within the country. Once upon time, the shiva mandir was under the control of India and mandir's affair were managed by an Indian priest until the border demarcation in 1987, said Mr. Rizal. 

 Many followers of lord shiva from India and Bhutan, frequently visit the mandir to seek blessings, make offerings, perform rituals and to conduct marriage ceremony. Mr. Rizal said that, "there was dire need to improve the aesthetic beauty of the mandir", and it is with the construction of caretaker's resident cum guest house that would beautify the campus of the mandir and thus, attract more visitors in the coming years. M/s Master Construction has been generous for construction of butter lamp house in front of the mandir. This once complete will people to offer butter lamps, which in fact, will lite up the area during the night. 

Once completed, out of  8 rooms, three rooms will be occupied by mandir's caretaker and family, one room will be kept as meeting hall and rest rooms for the guest. Beside other guest, lot of dignitaries from Indian and Bhutan visit this place and the construction will enhance delivery of quality services to those dignitaries and public in general. This will also help the mandir committee to function independently, as they longer have to rely on other obligations like hiring of halls for their programmes.
The Langchenphu gewog administration, has proposed a total budget of Nu. 800,000 (Eight Hundred Thousand) but Nu. 500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand) has been approved by the GNHC, for construction of caretaker's residence at shiva mandir. Thus, Gewog administration is running in short of Nu. 322,000 to settle the bills, once the work is completed. The work is expected to be complete by mid of February, 2015. M/s Sherab Construction has quoted the lowest bid in an open tender and thus the work was awarded to him. 

by Chador
Langchenphu gewog

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